Begin Again: Anxious Ramblings

    How can writing in a personal space be so nerve-wracking?! I absolutely have no idea WHY I decided to revive this blog page, and begin again. And now that I have begun again, I am at a loss. I mean how do you even begin writing again after 7 long years? WHAT do you even write?

    Its ironic how this blog never really disappeared out of my mind completely. At random times of dazed daydreaming, or just casual bouts of talking to myself, I definitely entertained the ideas of blogging. This happened when recently, I went over to Goodreads and most of the book reviews came attached with the line: "Click here for full book review". And I'd think to myself... I can do this too. Or when I'd search for summaries/easy renditions of very difficult essays that I have to read, I see a lot of the blogging websites are actually research websites maintained to keep a track of academic reading. I can DEFINITELY do that. But then I'd realize that to maintain a steady blog is to take care of it, nurture it daily, feed it daily. And that commitment always made me falter... made me pause... stop... reconsider... And the difficulty of the journey made me come back to reality... A reality where I am better at being ordinary, complacent, and lazy. Old labels somehow have a way of blanketing you in denial and impassivity towards resisting them. You take comfort in knowing that others don't know your full potential because you chose not to show it to them. Weird ways the mind has, of comforting oneself! 

    Anyway, digressive introspections aside, here I am... taking baby steps, definitely unsure steps of writing again... I think this requires me to rehash the basic tenets of what this blog will consist hereafter (provided the "hereafter" continues for quite sometime).

    Keeping with the original title of my blog "Random Snippets of my Mind", I shall continue to post random snippets of my mind, whenever I feel the need to take to this medium to express myself. Second, I will also try to maintain a steady list of opinion blogs (because what else am I good at, except at passing judgements and opinions towards EVERYTHING that I encounter!). These opinion blogs will be reviews (if I feel industrious); summaries of academic stuff that I read sometimes; just basic judgements towards people (to feel better about myself obviously!); and anything else that I feel like writing about. 

    I really don't know about punctuality. I have NEVER been a punctual person (not something I am proud of), and I can NOT guarantee punctuality in this case either. Over the years I have realised that if I claim any medium of expression as mine, then I should always have the freedom to exercise my creativity over it, irrespective of content, quality, or time restraints. Time restraints don't make the creative process enjoyable, although I grudgingly admit that time restraints are important and necessary to get your work done! But this is NOT work, this is just me spewing shit over the internet, because FREE MEDIUM peeps! I know no one cares, and no one will read unless I advertise it (still unsure about posting about this trash on social media). So yes, I'll try to follow these rules for myself, and try not to succumb to anarchic indolence anymore!

    Hoping for a brighter future,

    Reluctant Writer



P.S: I'm trying to console myself about writing this by using the pretense of "writing practice" for my research. LOL... Nice try Miss!



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